Friday, October 9, 2009

Library Assistants' Day

18th November 2009
Ikaroa Region of LIANZA invites all Library Assistants from the region to a Library Assistant's Day on November 18th.
The registration fee of $50 for members of LIANZA, SLANZA and Te Ropu Whakahau and $60 for non-members includes morning and afternoon tea, lunch and bus travel from National Library to UCOL and back. Registrations are limited to 40 people.
The programme has been designed to provide a day for Library Assistants which provides learning opportunities which are fun and engaging. To register contact Wendy Macaskill.

Start 9.30 am at National Library of New Zealand, 1015 Tremaine Avenue, Palmerston North
Welcome - Video conference link with Barbara Garriock LIANZA President of LIANZA

Speed booking - you will get to know each other and discover a novel way to engage your patrons, pupils, children or grandchildren with books

Web 2.0 Go to Whoa with Courtney Johnson -Courtney will talk about what is working well and perhaps not so well with social media in the GLAM sector. Courtney Johnston is the Web Manager at the National Library of New Zealand, where she works with a small team of great people to create and run websites. She also oversees or runs herself the Library's social media presences, including three blogs, two Flickr accounts, and one Twitter stream. Here's where you can find her blog posts. Johnston

Discover The Basement - inspired by and enthusiastic about youth with Kiri Thompson - Kiri is the Youth Librarian at the Palmerston North City Library. Kiri has a passion for engaging young people with libraries and will talk to us about some of the innovative activities associated with the "Basement" at PNCL.

Making memories- A "hands on" session at UCOL - have fun and be creative making a short video with DigitalNZs Memory Maker tool

Finish back at National Library by 4.00 pm

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